At last! normally i have problem installing Solaris 10 in "my old faithful" VmWare Workstation 4.5.x and I decided to switch to VmWare Workstation 6.5.x on my AMD Athlon64 3000+ box.. hell yeah it's success!!
Normal probnlem i'll face is it stuck while boot, looks like "panic" or something and I assume it's my hardware problem..
Just ordered/book an old Sun Ultra 10 box fullset with monitor and keyboard ( it's affordable ) and it'll be used for testing Solaris 8/9 for sparc. I'll also get an old Sun Sparcstation 4/5 ( fullset ) for testing other Solaris (6/7/8 ) from my project office since they not using it.. so utilise the possibilities!
If i have opportunity, sure i'll try to setup my own HPUX box at home for RnD, but it's quite hard since the hardware is so damn expensive!..
next plan is buy some box ( already know where to get it ) that fully supported VmWare ESX 3.5++, since I'm now need to handle it in my working environment...
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