Sunday, November 23, 2008

Updating your dynamic domain in zonestraits using "manual mode"

I've registered one of my domain using zonestraits and point it to old box belong to my old frens, Due to some technical problems, all data and /home is corrupted and wiped off.. so i lost most of my old data. Some of it is fortunately backed up (unplanned) and it's my old linux how-tos and guide.

So now since I've my own box, FreeBSD + NetBSD at my home and it's up for long hours so i decided to switch the domain pointing it here ( to the FBSD box ). When i surf to the zonestraits, i discovered that they not yet provide the tools to update the domain dynamically ( zonestraits is just a new site, so they need time to build up and mature ) like i normally used "ddclient" in

so the only method exist is using web browser pointing to zonestraits. But i discover that we've given a "token" like an ID to our registation that can be used to update. Possibly and i do believe this token is fixed value.

So i create my own method to update the ip to the domain using the "old technique" in linux/unix/BSD by using LYNX to open a http connection to zonestraits, and this can run in crontab, keep on updating every 15mins or 1 hour. But i face a new problem, lynx need to confirmed the cookies "interactively" by answering yes or no while connecting, and this will make the connection "hang" until the question answered.

Look into he google, searching for it and i found out the answer wich solve the problem once and for all..

server# lynx --accept_all_cookies

the full links is included the XXX that need to be replaced with your actual token that shown on screenshot above

.................valid token......................
Your new IP is XXXXXXX as at 23/11/2008 3:57 am

walla!! it's done!! so who say we need an exclusive software just to keep update out domain -> ip?

so now u just ned put that command in crontab, and kills it after few minutes it's done, that's it!

p/s: wahaha AMIRRRR ( zonestraits owner ) I want my credittttt!! :D

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