Tuesday, July 08, 2008

NetBSD 4.0 - Install HOW-TO

Well just feel need to share some of the BSD's knowledge. What u need to have is NetBSD 4.0 cd ( the shot is been made from 4.0-RC3 ).. the image maybe slightly smaller, but u can click for larger image.. so now just pop-up the cd and boot..

installation language is in english ( default )..

keyboard normally is autodetected, so just hit the "enter" button

yes confirm that u want to install NetBSD on the harddisk

just choose "yes" and continue, hit "enter"

HDD is detected, it labelled as wd0, confirm? yes then hit "enter"

Choose full installation ( FYI it's not used up so much space of your HDD ). Hit "enter"

hard disk is autodetected, normally no need to change anything, just hit "enter"

some options; u can choose for use whole HDD or partially ( maybe shared with some other unixes/BSD/linux/win ) but for this case we use all of the HDD space

for this just choose b: use existing partition sizes

choose default ( the easiest way ) but I recommended to select for "/" the rest of the diskspace ( here shown swap is already set for 128MB, u can increase if u like to ). So u can edit the parameter for "/" partition to 39077 MB. just select the line of / and enter, the secondary menu will appear..

u can edit in here if u want to, more details about fstype, mount point, toggle bootable etc.. i recommend to leave it as default and select "partition are ok"

accept the partition size after u decided.

put the name on your system, anything u like..

HDD is formatting to BSD-type filesystem ( UFS/FFS )

use default, bios console

select the progress bar ( default )

since we install via CD/DVD, then choose CD-ROM/DVD.
However basically from the old days, we can choose to install it remotely from ftp site, http, NFS shares, Floppy ( wow! ), and other including MS-DOS partition, magnetic tape, serial null cable ( for "headless" system ) etc..
see how much flexible the NetBSD (and other BSD's too)

system will prompt the device/location and the path of sets.. default u no need to change anything, just select to "continue"

The installation is kick-off.. wait until it finished!

tadaaaa.. finished.. then continue for some little final touch..

choose your timezone... here i choose "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"

encryption; choose anything suitable for u, even default is ok.. mine just choose "blowfish"

root password.. set it or leave it blank ( but later u need to set it for security purpose dude! )

shell to choose, default is ok, but mine choose "ksh", if u not sure, just select default

Installation of NetBSD 4.0 is complete!!!!

U'll prompt back to the 1st main menu. Choose "reboot the computer". Make sure u remove the installation CD, and let the system boot from your HDD

YESS! it's booted now...

when u're at login prompt, login root and password that u created before..

so now your NetBSD system is ready to serve! configure it, hack it anything u wish to unleash the power of NetBSD!

FYI basic full install is just taking up small space ( told ya before rite? ) around 355MB only :)!!

try it and have fun!! :)

login as: trunasuci
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Last login: Wed Jul 9 07:37:55 2008 from
NetBSD 4.0 (GENERIC) #0: Sun Dec 16 00:20:10 PST 2007

Welcome to NetBSD!

$ uname -a
NetBSD 4.0 NetBSD 4.0 (GENERIC) #0: Sun Dec 16 00:20:10 PST 2007 builds@wb34:/home/builds/ab/netbsd-4-0-RELEASE/i386/200712160005Z-obj/home/builds/ab/netbsd-4-0-RELEASE/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC i386


Azril Nazli Alias said...

weh nih aku bazet. Netbsd nih more kepada security ker ? Aku nak try kat VirtualBox


uih dato masta bazet.. yg lebih pada security tuh OpenBSD, netbsd nih lebih pada performance dan clean.. tapi aku dah test laju dan ringan giler!! ahahaha..

still runs on my p120 tu..

Unknown said...

Bila nak buat OpenBSD? Minat gak aku nak belajar.

0xff said...

nih komputer tahun bila.. monochrome tu


kudindang said...
Bila nak buat OpenBSD? Minat gak aku nak belajar.

OpenBSD? soon.. sonang jo tu nak install.. tp besanya 1st time mesti sangkut kat fdisk dia eheheh.. ok soon tarak hal.. skang tgh wat silibus FreeBSD, howto Postfix, ngan lain2..


mnajem said...
nih komputer tahun bila.. monochrome tu

eh nih komp kaler tu, oldskool tp boleh run 1024X resolution.. mmg NetBSD install dan boot camtuh la.. :D..

ApOgEE said...

boss, dlm netbsd.iso ni takdak kde ke? camne nak install kde kalo takde intenet connection?


ApOgEE said...

boss, dlm netbsd.iso ni takdak kde ke? camne nak install kde kalo takde intenet connection?

ada 3 cara..

1- install dr repo dia pakai export PKG_PATH:/blablabla then
pkg_add -v kde

dia akan install precompile binary( disyorkan ) siap dependencies sampai abis

2- pakai pkgsrc, kira ports dalam NetBSD la..

update via cvsup, then install.. this is pain in the A55!! download src compile balbalbla.. maybe take 1 whole day, many2 hours to complete..

3- download iso pkg cd dia ( besa NetBSD ada 2 cd, install dan pkg cd.. )

so just mount pkg cd tu, install via pkg_add.. cepat senang dan takyah ada internet!!
